There are a number of news organizations, such as the BBC and Reuters, partial to the United States and NATO’s point-of-view, saying that there are inhumane policies in China that deny its people freedom of expression, as if the government policies and media of the West safeguarded these liberties for us, a notion that Edward Snowden and other whistle-blowers have proven wrong; the teapot is calling the kettle black. Concerned people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
These media outlets warn us about
Muslim detention camps in Xinjiang that the Chinese government says are
education centers; that they are really internment camps. Ex-inmates tell of
abuses and torture of the one million ethnic minorities, the Uighurs, Kazakhs,
victims of “intensive political indoctrination.”
“It is not mistreatment,”
Li Xiaojun, the director for publicity at the Bureau of Human Rights Affairs of
the State Council Information Office, told reporters. “What China is doing is to establish professional training centers
– educational centers.”
Li added: “If you do not
say it’s the best way, maybe it’s the necessary way to deal with Islamic or
religious extremism, because the west has failed in doing so. Look at Belgium,
look at Paris, and look at some other European countries. You have failed.”
According to a Human Rights
Watch (HRW) report on Monday, former detainees described being denied food,
being shackled or forced to stand for 24 hours, and being subjected to solitary
confinement and sleep deprivation.”
Amazing that, percentage
wise, American prisons educate so many more.
My friend tried to bait me:
“So you feel these camps are justified? Seems reminiscent of Jews in Nazi
camps. Neither group was trying to control the State.”
“No, not slave labor for
the private American archipelago; there's no way to rehab a whole nation of
drug addicts, thanks to big Pharma.”
My troll wanted to keep the
ball in his court. ”I am not asking you about the American opioid crisis, which
I agree with you on, but the camps in China for Muslims.”
I pointed out that he knew
more about the opioid crisis and prisons for profit than reeducation camps in
China. I reminded him that China has been targeted often with
foreign intervention bent on destroying its society. If the Chinese government.
feels there is a need to protect its borders, I agree with it. China would have
gone the way of Native Americans if it had let the foreign powers have their
way and intoxicate their citizens. In Taiwan, the U.S. was complicit in
dropping two million foreign ruling class invaders and with the 228 massacre of
Taiwanese intellectuals and thus destroyed any chance of Taiwanese
independence. I believe it would be best for you to be concerned and active
with righting the wrongs of the U.S. govt. rather than being fearful of a
sovereign nation protecting its borders from religious and political turmoil.
My personal American troll defended
himself: “If they had left them alone it would not be part of China," he said flippantly like he supported automomy. His Taiwanese wife's father from China was one of the KMT [soldiers] that came over in 1949. "Although he was
not perfect (none of us are)," he texted, "he was not ruling class and killed no
intellectuals.” I texted back he was probably shanghaied there with Chiang Kai-Sheks retreasting army.
My troll complained about Muslim camps in Xinjiang so I reminded him about other ethnic leansing closer to home. Here is an article by Dolores
Cox posted on December 19, 2018:
Australia, too, Aboriginal people are estimated to be only about 3 percent of the
population now, yet they make up 27 percent of the prison population. According
to Australia’s Justice Project, their radicalized incarceration rate is 13
times that of the white prison population. (tinyurl.com/ybdq7g6z). Aboriginal
people also have higher arrest rates than whites, more convictions and a
greater likelihood of imprisonment. Non-Indigenous prisoner rates have not
increased since 2008.
Australian Indigenous have experienced dispossession, exclusion from education
and employment, and displacement. Only about 10 percent of Aborigines speak
their native language. Only 59 percent of Indigenous youth ages 15-18 attend
school, with just 34 percent graduating. And just 8.5 percent attend
universities. Aboriginal home ownership is approximately 39 percent, and
average income is only two-thirds that of non-Indigenous people.
in Racism
exist between the actions of white Europeans and European-descended Americans
when it comes to the treatment of people of color worldwide. The U.S. was
colonized in the 1600s by European settlers, resulting in the massacre,
destruction of property and wholesale displacement of Indigenous people who had
inhabited the land for thousands of years. Today, Native peoples comprise only
about 2 percent of the U.S. population.
U.S. has only 5 percent of the world’s population, yet jails 25 percent of the
world’s total prisoner population. Similar to Australia, racial disparities
dominate in the U.S. African Americans comprise approximately 14 percent of the
U.S. population, yet 34 percent of prisoners are African-American men, women
and children. Black men are incarcerated at nearly 6 times the rate of white
men. And their prison sentences are 19 percent longer.”
liking the taste of his own medicine of my post to him, he reacted: “I like the
image you sent, but not on my timeline.”
I not your negative comments on my posts,” I said
you are right,” he patronized. “I could have messaged you about it, sorry. You can delete them.”
I admitted to him I was selective in Facebook
about what I see. All comments from friends cut me deeply and I wanted to
respond, but so often a sarcastic friend, only out to support America and break
my point-of-view down becomes a personal troll, not friendly at all; privately messaging
me is better if a friend really wants to discuss politics.
instance was concerning a Workers World Party Facebook post. I said I
supported the party that has always been there for workers and defending any
communism, no matter how far from the theory they’d become. A former Fellow Worker anarchist reminded me, “Sam
Marcy supported the Soviet invasion of Hungary to crush the workers councils
there.” As a product of the time, I would support Russia now if Ukraine wanted
another instance, I read a post that said dozens of steel workers had been
arrested in Iran, for protesting unpaid wages and government corruption - but
they were still striking and taking to the streets to avoid arrests. “Workers
at the National Steel Industrial Group in Ahvaz have been on strike since
November 9. Homes have been raided at night and arrests have been made without
say, sometimes, the solidarity of the state takes precedence over divisive
factors, especially when it is under siege by NATO/USA/Israel. This is why I
support any nation that counts those three imperialist states as enemies; one
job at a time. Capitalist imperialism and fascism must be defeated first.
guy chided me in a comment: “So you are on the side of the Islamic fascist
regime of the mullahs against the workers. The Iranian workers, of course, know
better who their enemies are. And these are not the US and Israel.
Congratulations and peace of your ashes.”
this concerned citizen of the world I replied, “You, by sharing a labournet.tv
and iranwire.com post should be aware
that though workers suffer all over the world, realize who is blowing the
whistle on which nation's labor issues and their ulterior motives. If you are
against "Islamic fascist regime of the mullahs against the workers"
perhaps you are in favor of U.S. imperialism and destruction of U.S.
anti-unionism and workers' rights. Clean up your own backyard. People in glass
houses shouldn't throw stones or accuse a stranger who you know nothing about.
since an injury to one is an injury to all, I don’t hesitate to share posts
from the China Labour Bulletin, although they conveniently don’t discuss labor
issues in Taiwan. I shared “Global Support for Disappeared Left Activists in China
is feeling angry” which issued a bulletin: “URGENT! In the past week, another
wave of mass arrest was carried out by the police. 9 more comrades of Jasic
worker support group were taken away!”
My personal troll, playing dumb, asked, “Why
are these good comrades being arrested?”
to ask,” I responded, "Why are there no comrades in Taiwan being
arrested?" These workers dared to stand up against workplace abuses, and
there are thousands in China but workers in Taiwan, who are abused, even more
so, with salaries that haven't kept up with inflation in 18 years, don't dare
to organize because of KMT gangsters and American obstruction via the DPP.
For this reason, I choose to ignore the
so-called “Joint Declaration by the Representatives of the Indigenous Peoples
of Taiwan within the Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice
some people care so much about genocide and indigenous rights, and some are
Jewish victims of one, like I am, I think readers might like to be reminded of
the backyard they could clean up before worrying about the indigenous rights of
Taiwanese natives, most of whom vote KMT, were co-opted by local corrupt
politicians, and are being used again for sympathy against reunification. There
are not any official spokesmen of these tribes; this is anti-Chinese
propaganda. The vote buying and Stockholm effect from Christian missionaries
who deluded them and burned their icons is more correct in the assessment of a
people who are mostly assimilated, many alcoholic, and disinherited by the DPP
and KMT. Again, I urge you to consider aiding a local indigenous population to
soothe their savage souls.