Thursday, March 22, 2018

Which Side are You and I On?

Embedded in the modern history of these two nations, China and Russia, is an origin in revolutionary thought; the equality of women and men, the daring of workers' spirit. To fend off the tantalizing materialism of Capitalism, both nations had to retreat from their socialist tendencies or risk being overrun by infantile immediate gratification easily swayed by shiny objects. Furthermore, the arms race, always led by the United States, made these great peoples veer from their revolutionary goals; they just couldn't keep up with the military industrial complex (a phenomena we see now in the U.S. itself that continues to expand militarily while decimating social programs selling out the now defunct middle class).

The only way was to slow down and, as Marx predicted, go through a deeper period of bourgeois development before socialism can become the norm, socialism that would be health care, education, utilities, and all basic human needs provided by collective goals, even if a state has to go through a dictatorship of the proletariat to safeguard their advances from being co-opted by selfish interests, their selfish interests of protecting their borders from predators comes first.

Now that Capitalism is dying in the world as nations in South America, Africa, and Asia wake up to the exploitation they endured and the regime change caused by CIA that has a goal to protect the ruling class, we must realize that once the fox is no longer at the hen house, the chickens can relax and resume their socialist lives with vigor.

Trump is good to alert the world to America's true mindset. The world now knows that the American dream is a sham. You should not hold on to the privilege you have in name only. As Jews, we, and Israel are next on the agenda of Christian Millennial rulers.

In closing, what is at the foundation of deferred states like Russia and China is socialism. What is at the foundation of capitalist states like the US is feudalism.

Compare Chinese and Taiwanese development: While workers in Taiwan struggle without independent unions or a living wage, wages stuck at the same level as 20 years ago, Chinese workers are organized, constantly have strikes to improve their living standards (see China Labour Bulletin) and, in many areas, have surpassed living standards in Taiwan. Women in China have balls and really feel equal to men in many aspects while in Taiwan women still suffer from Confucian oppression; boys inherit the property, women who are older or married cannot find jobs, everyone works overtime without pay and are even afraid to use the holidays and sick days they have because their boss will not look kindly on it.

I strongly believe what my Pop, an anarchist who escaped from the Bolsheviks in Belarus in 1909 said, that the fish stinks from the head. Nothing that starts wrong (take Washington, the richest man in the fledgling USA) can ever come to anything. On the other hand, the spirit of revolutionary socialism, though retarded by capitalist incursion, colonialism and oppression, still has revolutionary socialism at its root. Mao Tse-Tung is still venerated in China; Lenin is still a hero in Russia. The faster capitalism can eat itself, the socialist states can flourish.

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