Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Anarchists Can Kiss My Ass

「Cartoon of stupid anarchists」的圖片搜尋結果
     Two "anarchist" sites had fools remind me they were such when I defended China against posts they had glorifying the violent demonstrations. Violent demonstrations against any state, impertialist or revolutionary, is not anarchistic; it is chaotic. I will never go against a state like China that was founded in socialist revolutionary ideals, no matter how they have changed from them under pressure from capitalist subterfuge. Unless it becomes like a Russia that folded and couldn't defend its USSR, my support for China will go on. China continues to respect its revolutionary fathers and support socialist nations around the world, indeed, rejects the U.S. policy in the Middle World and elsewhere.    

     One self-proclaimed anarchist threatened to ban me from their Facebook page and told me to follow the RNC or DNC instead. The Green Mountain John Brown Gun Club-Vermont is full of them. “Up until now," I wrote, "I thought I was following the right page. I am a Wobbly and see an end of workers' struggles with anarcho-syndicalism. I am not leaving my belief of ramping up workers unions to become ubiquitous into anarchism, but there is a road map to that place. If you throw me off, it is you that belongs in the RNC or DNC. There are steps on the road to the future.” 

     Some netizen commented, referring to my responses to the Vermont guru: “From another conversation it seems that you would consider putting out a tear gas grenade with water to be street violence causing chaos. To have respect [for] your position I would need to see you condemning the violence of the police and the state, I would need to see you RECOGNIZING the violence of the state,” 

     "I pick and choose the states I want to blame. As in any demonstration, some police take the law into their own hands, and there are agent provocateurs pushing for showdowns; I experienced this often in the U.S. In Brazil, I blame the govt. and am on the people's side, in most places the people rise up, they are justified, but not this time; not in Hong Kong. The interference from imperialist wants to keep Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan despite their being parts of China stolen by colonial U.S. and European thieves. The length of time the colonies are influenced by western style ruling class tactics means China must play the transition carefully. Any opportunity to divide China from from colonies will be seized upon. In this case, the extradition law is correct; there is a loophole where criminals and mudslingers can escape the law there, and China has the responsibility to close that loophole. The violence of a state against workers’ rights I condemn. This, in Hong Kong, was not that case." 

     It seemed we didn't know what each other was saying.

    She replied: "The main point of posting that video was to show a decent way to extinguish a tear gas grenade. So far i have only gotten hit with pepper spray - not by police but nazis (sic.). There were some wierd (sic.) smoke bombs being thrown. People were just tossing them back. Putting them out with water is a better, more responsible thing to do. (Speaking of Charlottesville)"

    Was she backing off, attacking, or not knowing what she was talking about? I gave her the benefit of the doubt. 

     After all this propaganda with anarchists on the side of the bourgeois ex-colonists, I realized China made a mistake with "one country two systems" in Hong Kong and Macao. They shouldn't make the same mistake in Taiwan. I am not worried that China will take away the freedoms of a bourgeois capitalist former colony. There is freedom in China that these colonies don't have; the freedom from surreptitious corporate and religious domination of a government, the freedom from the charade of two-party ruling class dominance making laws to enrich themselves and protect the interests of lobbying groups. 

     The mealy mouthed anarchist guru from Vermont can't understand the step by step march towards self-management in the context of a government, even a government with defenses against those that would never allow even minor socialist public services. The only freedom he has is to shoot off his mouth at any authoritarianism without taking sides. I take sides. When two million people swarm into Washington, I will be on their side. I will wear a yellow vest in France, but I will support Cuban, Venezuelan, and Bolivian governments from counter-revolutionaries and U.S, subversion. I will be on China's side in any battle against imperialist division.

     “Anarchists Can Kiss My Ass” is my taIWWan blog piece culminating two days of dispute with some of them over the anti-extradition demonstrations in Hong Kong. My only cohorts on Facebook are Mao Zedong Thought Discussion Group communists, Trotskyists from Workers World, and, of course, The People’s Daily.

    On the local level, in work places and, communities, I defend collective decision making and unionizing but in global power, I support China over the U.S., India, Australia, France, U.K., and other states giving free reign to religion and corporation and plunder of the earth. Anarchists have never been my friends, from back in the NYC GMB, but the very same anarchist thinkers were so stuck in the mud of thought that they couldn’t even do themselves well, forget about anybody else. Better an activist than an anarchist, a doer than a thinker.

     Enough of this! Their useless  anti-authoritarian crap. I left the group.  They can't decide which side one is on in this battle against imperialism, as long as it's against a nation, but by sitting on the fence against every government, one is bound to get a picket up one's ass. Those anarchist dreamers can kiss my ass.

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